TEXT: (602) 737-2808


Tech Insurance

Optional | Affordable | Recommended

Vita Laptop, Charger, and Mouse for 1 School Year

Family Responsible for Technology

Students and parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for maintaining borrowed all Vita technology in the condition in which it is issued. The student and their guardian(s) will incur all expenses resulting from damaged or lost technology.

Cost Ranges for Repairs and Replacements

Minor Repair: $30.00

Replacement: $250.00

Tech Insurance: $49.99 per student

This insurance plan includes 2 claims until the end of the current school year, by May 31, relative to date of payment, for the student's assigned laptop, charger, and mouse. Each of the 2 claims covers all damage incurred, from minor repair to full replacement.

Note: Vita Tech Insurance does not cover personal student devices, such as a personal tablet or laptop that belongs to the student or family. All laptop insurance payments are final and non-refundable.

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Mission Statement:

No matter their circumstances, the Vita Schools of Innovation empowers human beings to prepare for life and realize their dreams NOW, using the best practices from around the world.

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4302 E Broadway Rd

Phoenix, AZ 85040

(Entrance Across from Phoenix International Academy)

Nondiscrimatory Policy:

Vita welcomes all and therefore does not discrim­i­nate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, sex, marital status, disability, age, or other factors of diversity in the admin­is­tra­tion of its educa­tional poli­cies, admis­sions poli­cies, and other school-administered programs.

TEXT: (602) 737-2808

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