TEXT: (602) 737-2808

Your Dream High School Is Here...

Vita - AI Montessori High School


Vita is an AI Montessori High School and nonprofit focused on helping learners to discover, cultivate, and share their gifts with others in service, while preparing for real adult life. We are AI-proactive - knowing that the future is in tech and AI. We believe in Maria Montessori's philosophy in holistic education and execute that at the high school level.

Vita operates on a model of inclusivity and welcomes every learner, no matter what. We welcome all. Vita meets each learner where they are at and strives to provide equitable support to all of our community members.

Vita offers two effectively tuition-free high school options for Arizona families: (1) Charter School (Sequoia Choice) and (2) Independent (Private) School (ESA).

Vita's Partners and Supporters


AI Montessori High School

Mission Statement:

No matter their circumstances, the Vita Schools of Innovation empowers human beings to prepare for life and realize their dreams NOW, using the best practices from around the world.

Visit Us:

Google Maps

4302 E Broadway Rd

Phoenix, AZ 85040

(Entrance Across from Phoenix International Academy)

Nondiscrimatory Policy:

Vita welcomes all and therefore does not discrim­i­nate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, sex, marital status, disability, age, or other factors of diversity in the admin­is­tra­tion of its educa­tional poli­cies, admis­sions poli­cies, and other school-administered programs.

TEXT: (602) 737-2808

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